
Do You Pin ?

I know it's nothing new, but lately I can't get enough. It's such an easy way to catalog + have access to everything I find on the web. If you don't use it yet, I highly recommend. Sign up here.


The Extent

Of Irene's damage here in Bryn Mawr, PA. Didn't quite require the boarding up + sandbagging the local Apple Store prepared itself with.


Name Change.

I've thought about this for a while... Nothing has come of it because I was very undecided on what it would be. To be honest, I still don't know. But life and thoughts feel very different than they did two or so years ago when I started this. This doesn't necessarily mean a name change, but I was feeling one. I was feeling like the former was cutesy and easy to get sick of. It felt specific to baking and domesticity, and yet sort of specific to nothing. Something you should be careful about when choosing a name right ? You can't decide when your child's ten that their name is cutesy or annoying. Lesson learned.

I decided to take the plunge. Just on the header, to make it easy for my five readers to keep coming back ;). As clear from my posts from the beginning there is a lot of cataloging of my thoughts and things I like. Sort of selfish, but I've always recognized this is mostly for me. So to keep it simple (and because the divine inspiration doesn't seem to be headed my way) you've got my first initial and middle name. Something my mom called me when I was young. In fact, I can still picture the permanent marker version of this across the top of a plastic 80s lunch box... And I don't even remember what was on the lunchbox. Strawberry shortcake maybe ? Matching thermos inside, whatever it was. Gosh those were great... Why did they ever get updated to soft bags and water bottles ?



How cool are these vases ? I bought one last night at Sprout in Williamsburg for a friend's birthday. He received the top one in an army green color. The top is a motor oil container cast in porcelain. I think this shape was definitely the greatest (obviously, or I wouldn't have chosen it), but I like the soap containers too. These pieces can be found online at Leif, and were created by collecting trash in Holland. Love. And PS, they're even better looking in person. Happy weekend !


Fall Nails

I take a long time deciding what color to paint my nails. I can (embarrassingly) stare at a wall of colors for 10 minutes before deciding what moves me. I hate picking something I'm not happy with. My one fool proof color for my fingernails is "Fed Up," shown above. It is soft, with just enough color that it isn't clear, but just little enough that its not a cheesy white or pink... And it's still feminine. Joanna Goddard was talking about the perfect color the other day, and I thought I should share this one. I mean, its been fool proof since High School. High School. There isn't much else that has carried through since then.
I also thought I should note that I saw these "Les Jeans de Chanel" limited edition colors recently on Because Im Addicted. I've never imagined myself saving a date to get online and order nail polish... But me and blue ... I am loving Blue Rebel and Blue Boy. Im thinking I can even get away with them on my fingers during the winter (and because Im an art student, the perfect excuse for anything whacky ;).


J Crew Collection

Is looking very sharp for fall. Very sharp.



I hope by now you guys have discovered Kinfolk Magazine. It's been causing hubbub in the blog world since it landed. Both because so many talented bloggers contributed to it, and because it is stunning.

It's one of those rare bodies of work that spoke to my soul in content and purpose and creativity.

I have flipped through the gorgeous photos many times, but have only had the chance to read a few things -- I have a lot farther to go. My biggest complaint is that I wish I could physically thumb through it -- running my fingers over photos as I study them, dog earring favorites, and leaving it open to my last read, where it patiently would wait for my next.

But I get it, beggars can't be choosers. In a world where food publications are lackluster you can't expect gathered talent to have the money to make it appear in hard copy.

What a marriage of my favorite things though :: Gathering with friends, beautiful words, beautiful tables, beautiful photos, and beautiful food (and fabulous music--they included a summer playlist :). Add beautiful clothes and there is little else I need in life ;).

[Images courtesy of the talented contributors to Kinfolk]


Alice Waters

I was drooling over the photographs in her book Chez Panisse Vegetables last week at Eataly, and couldn't help but snap a few shots of my favorites. I don't know which I was drooling over more, the recipes or the photos. Each of these looks perfect for end of the summer gatherings... Happy Monday !


Midsummer's Night Dream.

Loving how ethereal and fairytale like Kate Moss' recent wedding was. There are a lot of weddings being planned around me and it's fun to see how much peoples' personalities shine through. Kate's is right up my alley.

[Images courtesy of Vogue]


A Meeting of the Minds

Current Elliot + Kate Spade ? All things trendy hipster + all things quirky preppy ? Yes please. I was so happy to find Westward in the Kate Spade store on 5th Avenue today. I was hopelessly drooling over the beautiful "Westward Curiosities Satchel" (Yes Al, Satchel). Navy perfection. Kudos to Deborah Lloyd (Creative Director of Kate Spade) for seamlessly expanding her market with this unexpected union.


Big News.


Zara will be selling online as of September 9th. This comes as great news to a Providence resident. Hope you're excited too ;). Happy back to school shopping.


Your Greater Good

I love finding perfectly stated thoughts. This was found here. And I couldn't agree more ;).


BofA Building

I know my mind has been retrained because my first question as I walk around New York on this return trip is :: Who built that building ? Having known about the Bank of America Building through its construction and opening, and having seen it many times I never really thought twice about it. Now I want to know, who ? and why this way ? I found this great video by the architecture firm Cook + Fox about their design. Watch it here.



Recently a friend discovered this blog and said she was curious as to why I had The Blue Hour listed on my blogroll. Well, as with many on that list, I find what he does incredibly inspirational and beautiful. I don't remember how I found it, but so many others are constantly complimenting his work it's no surprise that I did. I also always liked that he wasn't a professional, but clearly just passionate about photography as a hobby. Anyway, she was asking because it turned out the author of TBH is one of her dearest friends. Small world ! When she and I were discussing his work she mentioned in passing he started with a project of a picture a day. I dug to the bottom of his blog (I felt a little bit like a stalker doing this) and found where he had posted about this. I really like the idea of this challenge. Not because I ever expect to be as talented as he is (if you look at his blog you'll see he was recently approached to do Starbucks ads) but because it's an attainable challenge, no matter your level of creativity and talent you're bound to improve, and what a neat way to tell the story of a year.

So I have begun ! (My fingers are really crossed that I don't flake out on this one). I started August first, and will upload as often as possible but certainly not everyday. You can visit my flickr page if your ever curious what my year is shaping up to be in snapshots :). Above are a few from my first 10 days.


Racquets + Paddles.

I love clean well done preppy. I hate bad preppy. Sounds arbitrary I know, but you know it when you see it. The idea of paddles + oars is great to me, but mostly feels kitschy and forced.

However I Love these vintage paddles I spotted on remodelista. Coming off a road trip of Jamestown, Hingham, and St. Michael's they feel super appropriate.


On Writing + 3 Peaks.

There are a lot of "free time" creative activities I have high hopes for this month. I think with all the information on the internet, and accessibility we all get sucked into spending too much time looking at others work, and not enough time generating our own (in any field). Working with my hands for the last 6 weeks has reminded me of how important the continuous personal work is along side the outside inspiration. And now that I'm not confined to very specific parameters, there are the same three fields I come back to :: writing, drawing and photography. All separate from Interior Architecture, but all related fields that will make any presentation I do for the next two years or the rest of my life inherently better.

Last week while organizing my apartment to leave it for a spell, I came across an notebook where I had been attempting to keep my writing up. Here is an unfinished entry that relates oh so well to yesterday's post ::

The NOLS Three Peaks Ranch in Boulder Wyoming (population 75) might not be every one's idea of a vacation. The bedroom I was given is fondly referred to as "Meth Lab One," and I'm sharing the house with not only three fabulous females and two great dogs, but also an unknown number of furry grey friends we know as mice. Or rodents. The ranch, Home seasonally to 75 horses, a number of staff, and a larger number of dogs, caters to many visitors---instructors, students, passersby, friends, and family. Their average day collectively begins with an 8 am meeting in the cookhouse followed by bringing the horses up from the lower pasture where they've grazed for the night.
My first morning visiting my sister here we walked through the dusty sage riddled fields down to where this palette of ponies calmly enjoys the morning sun. Stirred by our presence, as routine as it is, they begin their saunter up towards the corral. I look around at present company--I'm the only New Yorker + only person without jeans and a pearl snap shirt on. The many colors of the ponies mix and separate, mix and separate, as they catch up with one-another, and some pull ahead. Like creamer slowly being poured into coffee swirling about, their shades of taupe, brown, white, gray, and infinite in betweens pass by. To even attempt to describe their coloring with words would be an insult to their beauty, like the color of a red wine stain on a white tablecloth, or its residue in a glass, no paint chip name or panetone color could ever do them justice. There is Denali and Luke, Aloha, Cola, Ducky, Pepsi. There is Tom, Whip, Red, Gannet, and Andy. Seventy-five in total, I can't name but 3 by face, but they know them all. Their names, their personalities, how they pick their feet up, their homes prior to three peaks.

The Dust rises behind them as they trot through the fragrant sage and into this tiny dirt lot. Never lured by food or false promises, they simply go where their friends are going, and where they were yesterday. The sun strengthens and erases the nighttime chill, felt only minutes ago.


I'm Back :)

I've had a crazy six weeks, but I am back, rested, and ready to enjoy my freedom for the next five weeks. Thank you thank you Jenny for sharing so many wonderful thoughts while I was gone.

With one of my first free nights last week I saw a documentary that's been on my list :: Buck (I guess RISD really has infiltrated--my first 3 free days I went to a museum + a documentary). If you have a moment to see this film and it's playing near you, definitely see it. It's not only a beautiful story about man + animal, but a view of humanity that reminds us what is good in the world, what we should strive towards, and how we can all overcome, no matter how sad our story is. I promise this film is for you even if you're not a horse person. And if you are ? Travel to the nearest location come hell or high water :).


Where In The World Are Lizzy & Jenny?

As you read this, Lizzy and I have embarked on our East Coast Roadtrip 2011. Ok it's not a formal roadtrip, more like a collection of visits and stops we have selected for a variety of reasons, but it will keep us pretty busy and surrounded with people we love for the next week. I'm sure Lizzy will give you some recaps of our trip in coming weeks, but just to give you a taste... some of the places we're planning on turning up in the next week include...
st michaels, maryland
villanova, pennsylvania
hingham, mass
jamestown, rhode island
providence, rhode island


Thank You Tracy Reese.

I can admit it. I love beautiful clothes, but I also love a good sale. Often these two worlds cannot see eye to eye. However, Tracy Reese remains my style hero because she consistently has awesome sales on her adorable dresses. I've found her dresses to be flattering, fun and just great staples to have in the wardrobe. Check out some of her awesome sale dresses I'm lusting over right now! With beautiful Jennier Lattif's Florida wedding in the Fall, I might be able to justify one of these :) Which one do you like best?
plenty overlapping ovals WAS $248, now $148
frock! "Laurisa Maxi" WAS $295, Now $177
pale pinapple falling leaves dress WAS $315, now $189
frock! "bailey" in blue raspberry. WAS $198, now $118
plenty baby chick/wicker twist cowl frock WAS $215, now $129


Do you know Nneka?

Photos of Nneka from German Vogue, August 2010

You may not know Nneka. But if you don't, you're missing out. She is a Nigerian born and raised singer that I was introduced to a couple of years ago. Since the moment I first heard her soulful, pure voice, I was in musical bliss. I've since been to three of her shows in New York, and next time she comes, I'll be there. Her sound is hard to pin down in one category, but it's sort of a blend of Bob Marley, Lauryn Hill, Erykah Badu and K'naan. She has her own very unique style, and although she's a tiny person, she has an enormous presence and has a true passion for her country and her continent that really shines through in her musicality.
The video below gives a good introduction to Nneka with her music in the background. I think after you check her out, you'll be "Nnekafied" and be downloading all her albums :)


Remembering Maura.

With August already upon us, I have more than a few times already thought about last August, when I was lucky enough to attend the most life-changing event of my life as of yet.
On August 7th of last year, my Aunt Maura swam in an event called SWIM Across The Sound. It's a fundraiser run by St. Vincent's hospital, and it raises money for cancer patients to cover costs of treatments.
What set Maura apart from all of the other inspirational swimmers involved in the 15.5 mile fundraiser swim relay, was that Maura was dying of cancer when she did the swim.

The irony is that Maura never would have described herself as "dying", even up until her last day. She was full of life and passion and a desire to raise money for other people suffering from cancer. I truly think in all of her training and effort before and during the swim, she was never doing it for herself, always for others.
Her teammates were very fittingly her three sons, my cousins, David, Danny & Bart and her doctor.
As you can see from the photos, she was very weak at the time when she completed the race. So weak most cancer patients would very rightfully so be in bed, already resigned to their time ending soon. But Maura got out there and showed her guts, both physically and mentally. She was a lifelong marathon runner and swimmer, and was passionate about fitness and health. So although she was very frail and incredibly sick from the disease and the treatments, she still got out there and completed three fifteen minute legs, a feat simply unimaginable to most---that is most who didn't know Maura.

Maura was a fighter. She fought a breast cancer diagnosis in 2007, and then she fought a Leukemia diagnosis in 2008, but after a bone marrow transplant, her body just couldn't seem to keep up with her spirit.
But the pride on Maura's face, almost a year ago today---the pride she had in herself and in her sons, was the most inspirational thing I've ever experienced. With her entire family on the sidelines in bright green shirts cheering, she emerged from the water with her sons looking like she'd just won the lottery. Nothing but gratitude and spirit and love on her face.
I was lucky enough the evening after the race to get to spend some precious time with Maura at her home with her amazing husband Bill and all her closest friends and family. She walked from person to person, embracing them with warmth and love, and all she could do was profusely thank people for being there and talk about how happy she was. Of course she was cracking jokes too, because that was one of the things she was best at.
I can still hear her husky voice saying to all her friends, "This is Jen, the cute cousin!" She kept teasing me about why I didn't have a boyfriend and asking me if the guys in New York City are crazy. She was certainly my biggest fan, and I hers. I know we knew that about each other, and that was part of what made our relationship very special.
I didn't know when seeing Maura that amazing weekend that it would be the last time I would see her, or hear her voice or feel her amazing presence. But it was. Less than 2 months later, I grew worried when Maura hadn't returned an email I'd written her earlier in the week. We were great email buddies and she was always so good about getting back to me. When I got an email from her husband through her email account asking me to call him as soon as possible, I crumbled. I can still picture it perfectly. I was at my desk, after school, at work and I could feel the tears spring to my eyes from the moment I read that email. I literally crumbled. I knew it was time.
Maura died on Monday September 27th, 2010 in the company of her dear husband Bill. She was 53 years old.
And let me be clear, as much as I miss Maura and mourn for her children losing their incredible mother, and Bill losing the love of his life, and the whole planet for losing such an inspiration, Maura would want me to plug the race. Not promote her. :)
So I will. I'll let you know that although Maura is gone, the SWIM Across The Sound continues to raise money for cancer patients who desperately need it. This cause was such a passion for Maura that she was willing to push her body beyond its own limits to be a part of it.
So very fittingly, this year the race is dedicated to Maura, in her memory. If you're near Westport, Connecticut on August 6th, you should consider going and watching this wonderful event. And if you can't be there, please consider supporting a swimmer here.
Although I'm again wiping tears from my cheeks when rehashing these memories of My Sweet Aunt Maura, I think it's best to end by showing you a video taken at the race last year. My favorite part is at the end, where in her greatest accomplishment, she won't walk up the ramp without her boys. And she finishes that race the same way she finished life, with her head up and cheering.