
Ruby Frost.

More Beauties.
White Glitter's neighbor.
Meet, Ruby Frost.


White Glitter

I've never been one for Pointsettias. I love all Christmas decorations, and the tackier the better if it means spirit + childlike joy. But in all honesty I've always found Pointsettas to be horrific. The tin wrap on the bottom, the plastic suffocating large red blooms smushed together. Ick.

This weekend I was won over.

Look at these beauties. To be matched only their name.
White Glitter.


Christmas Lillies

A quiet Holiday moment as I stood in line at Stumptown recently. I don't even think they are meant to me holiday, but with their hint of red sitting on brass they felt it. I loved the half full glass of water at their side.

Hope everyone has a day of digesting, turkey leftovers, and more family.


Happy Thanksgiving.

right food, right place, right time. it is my belief...that this is the best recipe of all. a crab sandwich by the sea on a June afternoon; a slice of roast goose with applesauce and roast potatoes on Christmas day; hot sausages and a chunk of roast pumpkin on a frost-sparkling night in November. these are meals whose success relies not on the expertise of the cook but on the more basic premise that this is food of the moment – something eaten at a time when it is most appropriate, when the ingredients are at their peak of perfection, when the food, the cook and the time of year are at one with each other.”
- Nigel Slater, introduction to "The Kitchen Diaries : A year in the Kitchen with Nigel Slater"

I hope everyone has the right food at the right place today--it's certainly the right time. Lots of love to everyone.


Pumpkin Walnut Bread.

Can you believe it ? That Thanksgiving is tomorrow ?? I most certainly cannot. The closest I've gotten to this seasons holiday spirit is making multiple loaves of this pumpkin walnut bread. Multiple loaves for multiple thank yous I've had piling up. And I'm still not through them all. Thinking now, it's sort of this holiday's spirit twofold. Pumpkins and Thanks : two of my favorite aspects of this month and next.

I hope for everyone traveling today it is safe and painless, and you make it to your loved ones arms in the blink of an eye. And I hope if it's not painless, you don't let it get to you knowing how worth it every step of that journey is (remind me of this when I'm on the turnpike at a standstill). If you haven't left, and you need a last minute hostess gift, or way of saying thanks, this bread couldn't be easier to bake. It has been a staple of my bread making for quite a few years now.

Pumpkin Walnut bread :
Ingredients -
2 cups (10 oz) unbleached Flour
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon allspice
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 large eggs, at room temp
1/3 cup water
1.5 cups sugar
1 cup (9oz) canned pumpkin puree
1/2 cup neutral flavored vegetable oil (canola)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 cup (4 oz) chopped toasted walnuts

1. preheat over to 350 degrees and position oven rack in the center. Lightly coat a 9 by 5 inch loaf pan w/melted butter or high heat canola oil spray and line it with a piece of parchment paper that extends 1 inch beyond the edge of both sides of the pan. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, cinnamon, allspice, cloves, ginger, and salt until thoroughly blended. In a medium bowl, whisk together the eggs and water. Add the sugar and blend well. Add the pumpkin puree, vegetable oil, and vanilla extract. Mix well.
2. Add the pumpkin mixture to the dry ingredients and whisk until smooth. Add the walnuts and stir until they are evenly distributed. Use a spatula to scrape the batter into prepared loaf pan and level the top.
3. Bake for 55 to 65 minutes, until the bread is firm to the touch. and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Transfer to a rack and cool completely. To serve, cut into 1/2 inch thick slices by sawing gently with serrated knife.



Sunday morning I was running to yoga. Okay, maybe not a full on trot but a vigorous walk. It was 9:59 and class started at 10:00 (turns out, bad idea to show up this late. Word to the wise. I basically shared a mat with the poor man next to me. I don't think he knew he'd be spooned until I dropped my knees to the left for that nice spinal twist). As I rushed down Broadway this perfect leaf in its perfect shade of yellow, laid perfectly on the asphalt and I stopped. I stopped, knowing I had less than a minute to make it 3 blocks, into a building, through a fingerprint scanner, through a turnstile and into a classroom. I stopped. For a leaf. I stopped and actually took my phone out of my pocket to take a picture. Of a leaf. On a sidewalk.

I wish I had good reason behind this. But I just liked it. And I liked it enough that it stopped whatever life drama was running through my head at the time. Sometimes when I see these things I don't physically stop, but my mind stops and focuses in on it. I realized Sunday most things I share on here are moments like this of some form. Images that stop me, words that stop me, products that stop me. Moments carved out in my day because my eyes, ears, heart, responds.

This was an extremely long winded way (are you surprised ?) of saying, I might share some of these moments with less explanation. Just cause they stopped me, and maybe you'll like them too.


And Again.

It happened again the other day. I looked up and there was this beautiful light. This time right on my very own wall, and a long pink golden rectangle framed the shadow of my succulent ball hanging in the window.

Often I have no lights on in my apartment during the day, and it is still so very extremely bright. Then late afternoon tip toes up and all of a sudden I realize my apartment is very grey. Usually it's time to click on lamps. This time, I looked up to an electrified wall. Succulent, center stage.

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. Can't beat fall light. Enjoy these golden hues while they match the leaves on the trees and on the ground. Both will be gone very very soon.


Holiday Stamps.

My new home away from home is The Stumptown at The Ace Hotel. Their coffee is amazing and the lobby is great people watching when I can't stare at my GRE book any longer. How fantastic is their simply black stamped holiday label ? I love it -- perfection hipster style.


Holiday Plaid

I had this picture all ready to go yesterday. And then I went outside... In no jacket and flip flops... ?!? I know ! Nuts. And don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. Just sayin it doesn't make posting about holidays very easy. Here is another shot I took at Terrain about a year ago (on my first trip I believe. Are you concerned that I have a collection of photos on my phone from Terrain ? They might want a restraining order. Or maybe I should just be blogging about Terrain). I just LOVE this scene. A fire pit + a plethora of different wool plaid blankets ?? I sort of wanted to grab a hot mulled cider, tap those two on the shoulder and share stories while roasting marshmallows. And the side of this shed is to die for. Love the wood against the plaids. Extra plaid in your house will always = holiday.


Im Dreaming

Of a white Thanksgiving. And no I'm not confusing it with Christmas. Do you guys know Sweet Paul yet ? If not, get in there -- he is awesome ! I haven't had a chance to read his holiday issue yet, and I am dying. I wanted buy some white pumpkins, gourds and squashes to try this myself, but it hasn't happened yet, and Thanksgiving is right around the corner so I wanted to share this before your table is settled on.

Sweet Paul chose these white pumpkins for a white halloween, but this can be a gorgeous Thanksgiving table too. Painted white veggies in white and glass pottery ? White linens ? Love. Just tell your crazy family to be careful with their red wine. And have your bleach ready.

PS. Someone shared Sweet Paul with me just a few months ago -- but did you notice we have similar tag lines ? I think we'd get along ;).

[Image courtesy of SP]


Holiday Decorating Begins.

I saw this wreath last winter in the parking lot of, where else ? Terrain At Styers. I love the simplicity of the contrasting woods, and I also like that this is decor that is easily mimicked by those of us less creative/crafty/so inclined than the Anthropologie staff. Go find yourself some nice birch logs. If the side of your house isn't awesome flat wood like this it could look great on a piece of reclaimed wood on your house, or if you attach the Birch only to itself, on any surface really. It ould be great on a black door.



I have the travel bug again. Bad. (And I don't mean the bug the left me Gluten free after Ecuador). I can't stop looking through these Ecuador pictures, and wishing I was traipsing through a market somewhere. Or watching the sunset over the surf. Or snooping through the upstairs of a very remote mountain town, where the people have probably never left their village. Not even once. Or eating the best Ceviche ever. On a street of all Ceviche shops. Yes please.



This photo is from Remodelista (of course) and I just found it looking through their architect visits for a certain type of interior. Can't you feel the winter air wafting through this photograph and hear the snow crunch as you veer off the shoveled path and walk through the yard to look at these incredible windows ? I love the quietness and the winter life here. It's like I want to shush anyone talking near it. Signs of what's in store, no ? This photo is actually taken in Japan--not what comes to mind for me, but I also know nothing about Japan ;).


Just When I Thought

there might be a season of J Crew that wasn't really wowing me, I went through their Collection look book. Love these shots. Most of these pieces are the upwards of $1,000, but I give credit to Mickey + Jenna, because they look it. I'll take one of each please ;)

[images courtesy of J Crew]


Marathon Sunday

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear." - Nelson Mandela

Yesterday was Marathon Sunday here in New York, and I'm embarrassed to say not only did I not participate, I barely even watched. There is something so divinely inspiring about physically exertion, and watching 40,000 people push their limits makes it one of the most incredible days of the year.

When I came home from dinner I opened up a folder on my desktop titled "marathon" and read the little take away I wrote the night before the one marathon I've run, what now feels like many moons ago (and I have a theory, that because so many people do run a marathon at one point or another, after a certain number of years has passed with no repeat, you shouldn't really claim to have run one any more... then you're that girl, talking to people who are actively doing things saying, "well... When I ran the marathon...). The one major take away in what I wrote was how good it feels to overcome challenges. And it makes me realize I have no big challenges in my near future -- so the question is, what's my next challenge ? And what is yours ?

{photo is my many-moons-ago run, at Mile 20 when my little sister and Liz jumped in to bring me home]


It's Time.

I thought to round out Monday's post I'd remind you of what season is upon us, and what movie you should be dusting off right about now... I was perusing old posts I'd written on our Dakota Martin blog looking for a recipe + I saw this picture. I could melt every time I look at it. Does it get any better ?? I don't think so. Can't wait to snuggle under down, watch this, and cry in the next few months ;). Happy weekend ! xo


Evening Fall Sun

If you've been reading my posts at over here, you know that I love fall sun. It is pink + golden + wonderful -- namely in the wee hours of the morning and in the evening as it slips behind buildings + mountains, hills + houses. Here it is as I got off the subway yesterday at about 5:30. Love.



One very early morning recently, I watered my precious little succulents. And as I peered over the pot, new pink sun streaming in, I saw a teeny-tiny, iddy-biddy, sprout ! (see him ??)

Among this towering, waxy, toppling, vegetation, was a thin as paper, small as sand, newbie. I got so excited I ran for my camera.

I love watching these guys grow. Like my friend above who is quickly outgrowing the support I rigged for him. He might need a new one soon.

My black thumb is slowly rubbing off to a shade of green. Like I've said before. I'm trying to start foolproof in the succulent department. But until I can be planting veggies to eat, I love these guys so much I might stick with 'em.



With this barbed wire chandelier. How amazing ??

[image courtesy of remodelista]


I'm Talkin to You.

How great are these installations that this Chicago based group has seemed to place everywhere ? And look, you can even order free stickers, and spread the word yourself on a smaller scale.

[images courtesy of YouAreBeautiful]