
Happy Spring + Happy Friday

Spring is official as of Saturday, and I couldn't be happier. The sun is shining on New York City, and that means outside runs and time in the park. I read this story in an old Runner's World in my doctor's office this morning, and I think it's some of the best motivation I've come across in a long time. Jeff Clark is a Truck driver who took to running after he realized that his health's fate was in his hands.

My sister has always joked ( maybe a little inappropriately ) that she would be a drug addict too if she were a truck driver. It is easy to understand the mentality of spiraling from Mountain Dews and hamburgers into much worse behavior as your lonely and exhausted body plods across identical highways with little break and not much thanks. Jeff however, took it upon himself to change bad habits, and better his life. He started by walking around truck stops and how has run 6 marathons and losing a ton of weight. For anyone who claims to "not have enough time" Jeff will put you to shame. We all have times for self improvement (and lord knows room) if we so choose. May the start of spring bring on better habits for you, whatever they may be !

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