I loved these bathrooms. LOVED. And these are only photographs of two of them. But one of my favorite parts was the continuity. I only need to show you two bathrooms, because there were so many similar details in each of them. To start, if you look above they're very simple. This white, and in other rooms creamy-white, bead board was used throughout the house. I have always loved bead board. I almost used it in my apartment, but decided against it. Next place, definitely using it, and this house was proof that it works in more than just New England beach cottages. It was right at home in this mountain house. Also to note above is the sky light. There is nothing spectacular about it, but it is so perfectly off center between the two sinks (this is the master bath), and it open up the slanted ceiling (literally and figuratively). Lastly, this simple gray stone on the floor. They were simple circular shapes (pentagons ? Hexagons ? I never counted sides). They were a cool grey in the sunlight and warmed in the night to a soft purple.

Also of note is the light fixtures. These grew on me more and more the longer I was there to the point that Im obsessed. I've been searching for them online to use in a clients home, and have yet to locate. Not only do I really enjoy the minimalist cage, but this was the only ceiling light fixture in the entire house, and there were a lot of ceiling lights. Again, I loved the continuity, but I also loved how when you found them smack in the center of a ceiling they took on a larger presence, and I was drawn to their lines, and when there were multiple lights in a room and they weren't centered, they took a back seat and melded into the setting--never unbalancing a room or taking away from other features.

This phenomonal shower was in the basement. Yet again, less is more. There is no fancy tiling or color -- there is the actual structure of the house. The bright light keeps it from being cave like, the bead board is kept, this time on the ceiling, and the very in subway tile on the back (which I wish I had a better shot of) is fixated with very dark grout (also used upstairs) for a much edgier look. And of course in this minimalism, they manage to not sacrifice luxury with elements like this huge overhead shower head (LOVE these !) Notice the Biolage shampoo, conditioner + washcloth ? Same exact in every bathroom. My money is that they were picked out for their bottle. You don't even have to lose design on elements like product :).

And lastly, this fantastic fantastic piece is also in the basement. This window is over the toilet, and since it's the basement it is level with the lawn. Instead of a simple shade they have this mirror which slides along a track to either let in the light or give you total privacy. The mirror helps open up the small space when there is no natural light, you get great slips of light framing it, and lets face it -- a mirror on a rolling track is just cooler.
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