

Did my photo yesterday seem random for my post ? Well I was trying to show a journey, as you may have concluded, but also it's from a documentary I watched this past weekend :: 180 Degrees South. The filmmaker traces the 1968 journey Yvon Chouinard (founder of Patagonia) and Doug Tompkins made to Patagonia. If you haven't seen it, definitely rent it. It not only inspires you to find true passion, but also to find your bliss in the outdoors (even if they're not your true passion). Yvon's says "You learn that what's important is HOW YOU GOT THERE, not what you've accomplished." Listening to the main character talk about busing tables and sleeping in cars to always reach the best surf, or maximize his time climbing is a good reminder that it's not all salary, and it's not all keeping up with the Jones'. We look at ski bums and think "they haven't grown up yet." But maybe they have. Maybe they're so happy on their skis that that the "getting there" more than overrides where they're headed. I saw the tag above on an etsy site, and really liked the message. Knowing many "wanders" myself, I have to say I'm jealous of how present they are in their days, and happy they are with their lives.

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