It's September first kids. It's what I like to call back-to-school (okay a lot of people call it back to school). The best part of back-to-school used to be the return of a familiar routine. Kilts, collars, and high school drama. These days, its similiar--everyone rolls back into the city, a little tanner and more relaxed than a few months ago. We all stop fleeing the heat radiant streets, and enjoy the changing of the leaves, the evening yellow light, and the addition of coats and closed toed shoes right here in Manhattan. I hate being cold, but come the end of August, I crave all of this like no other. You can't walk down the street without running into an old friend, and the nip in the air rejuvenates you as you step out onto the sidewalk to head to dinner.
Slowly but surely a favorite part of my fall has become dinner parties. I love hosting, I love attending. September makes it feel like it's time for dinner parties. So September at Puddin Pie is dedicated to table elements that are great dinner party choices. Cheers !
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